I have two posts going up today.  The first, my usual Monday Magical Words post, can be found at http://magicalwords.net, the group blog on the business and craft of writing fantasy that I maintain with fellow authors Faith Hunter, Misty Massey, Kalayna Price, Mindy Klasky, John Hartness, and James Tuck, among others.  The post is called “On Writing: Little Things that Yield Big Results,” and about little things we can do to have a big impact on our writing and our productivity.  The second can be found at http://www.sfnovelists.com, the group blog on speculative fiction that I maintain along with a group of over one hundred published authors of fantasy and science fiction.  It is called “The Loss of Another Bookstore,” and it is about the changing face of the book business.  I hope you enjoy both posts.

Today’s post can be found at http://magicalwords.net, the group blog on the business and craft of writing fantasy that I maintain with fellow authors Faith Hunter, Misty Massey, Mindy Klasky, John Hartness, Kalayna Price, and James Tuck, among others. The post is called “Holiday Post: My List of the Best Writing Tips.” I like to post lists on holidays — light reading for relaxed days — and this one is a list of my favorite bits of writing advice. I hope you enjoy it, and I wish you a happy President’s Day.

Today’s post can be found at http://magicalwords.net, the group blog on the business and craft of writing fantasy that I maintain with fellow authors Faith Hunter, Misty Massey, Mindy Klasky, John Hartness, Kalayna Price, and James Tuck, among others. The post is called “Turnabout is Fair Play: Your Turn to Critique MY Work.” In it, I present the opening paragraphs of my current work-in-progress, explain what I hope to accomplish with each paragraph, and then invite readers to critique the passage. I hope you enjoy it.