After a lengthy hiatus from blogging (I’ve actually been spending my days writing a new novel) I have a post up today at the SFNovelists Blog Site, which I help maintain along with approximately 100 other writers of fantasy and science fiction. Today’s post is called “Short Fiction, Anthologies, and an Ongoing Kickstarter Campaign,” and it is about exactly that. (This is what we call truth-in-advertising, folks!) Writing short fiction is a terrific way for aspiring writers to hone their craft, and this post discusses the benefits of writing stories, as well as the fun of crafting them for themed anthologies. And finally, it offers a few details about a new project — Temporally Out of Order — that a group of us are trying to get off the ground.  Please check out the post here.  And learn more about the Temporally Out of Order kickstarter campaign here.  Thanks, and enjoy!!

Two big posts up today in the continuing Summer 2014 Plunder of Souls Blog Tour.  The first is at Magical Words, the site on the craft and business of writing that I co-founded and still maintain with my friends Faith Hunter and Misty Massey. The post is on the origins of A Plunder of Souls in the short story “A Spell of Vengeance,” which was published at in 2012.  You can read the post here.

The second post is at All Things Urban Fantasy, who have welcomed me back for the third straight year.  I’m grateful to them.  This post is a fun one:  it’s an interview with Ethan Kaille, the hero of the Thieftaker books, conducted by the Boston Gazette, the leading Whig newspaper of the time.  And it gets better: in addition to the post, there is also a contest.  I’m giving away a signed, hardcover copy of A Plunder of Souls to some lucky reader!  So visit the site and enter the contest!!  And good luck.

Plunder Of Souls blog tour buttonThe first week of the Summer 2014 A Plunder of Souls Blog Tour is winding down, with this post, which is not on the official schedule, but which counts anyway.  My Blog Tour, my blog, my rules.  This was a quiet week — next week things begin to pick up.  I’ll be visiting the blogs of Faith Hunter and Kate Elliott, and I’ll also be a guest at Fantastical Imaginations, All Things Urban Fantasy, Black Gate, and Drey’s Library.  And I’ll be starting a month-long appearance at my old virtual stomping grounds, Magical Words. There will be original content at all of these sites, so be sure to check in.  For a complete listing of the blog tour appearances with links to the sites, go here.

"A Spell of Vengeance," by D.B. JacksonAs the July 8 release of A Plunder of Souls approaches, I have also started my teaser countdown on Facebook.  Yesterday I linked to the short story that serves as a prequel to the new novel.  The short story is called “A Spell of Vengeance,” and it can be found at Tor. com, where is was published in 2012.  Also at, you can find the first two chapters of the book.  Starting tomorrow, and continuing on a daily basis until the release, I’ll be adding passages from the book to my Facebook page.

Finally, I would like to direct you to the appearances page on the D.B. Jackson website, which I have recently updated to reflect the latest plans for my signing tour, as well as another conference appearance, about which I’m very excited.  In October, I will be an instructor at the Annual Conference of the South Carolina Writers’ Workshop.  I’ve attended the SCWW Conference several times before and have always had a great experience there.  I’m looking forward to this year’s meeting and hope to see many of you in Myrtle Beach. For more details, go here.

That’s all for now.  Have a great weekend.  And please preorder A Plunder of Souls!

priceofdoingbusiness_cov1_smToday, I am back at Magical Words, the blog on the craft and business of writing that I co-founded with Faith Hunter and Misty Massey, writing about creating characters, and celebrating the release of the newest Thieftaker short story, “The Price of Doing Business.”  The story can be found today at It is about Ethan Kaille’s first encounter with the lovely and deadly Sephira Pryce, who would become his rival in thieftaking and his arch nemesis.  The post can be found here.  I hope that you will check out both the story and the post, and I hope that you enjoy them both.

My post today can be found at Magical Words, the group blog about the craft and business of writing that I maintain, under the name David B. Coe, with fellow authors Faith Hunter, Misty Massey, John Hartness, and Mindy Klasky, among others.  The post is called “On Writing: Knowledge Versus Wisdom” and it is about the truisms we encounter as writers and the ways in which they are both accurate and misleading.  I hope you enjoy the post.

Today’s post is up at Magical Words, the blog on the craft and business of writing that I maintain with Faith Hunter, Misty Massey, Mindy Klasky, John Hartness and several other wonderful writers. The post is called “On Writing: Creative Intersections–Point of View and Dialog”.  It’s a follow-up to a post I wrote a few weeks ago about the ways in which staying true to Point of View can help us address so many of the problems that come up when we write.  As the title implies, this time around I am looking at ways in which POV can strengthen our use of dialog in stories and books.  I hope you enjoy it.

After a really fun release day for Thieves’ Quarry, and for the paperback edition of Thieftaker, I am back at work today with four stops on the Summer 2013 Thieves’ Quarry Blog Tour.

The first post is actually a short story that I co-wrote with my writing BFF and Magical Words co-founder, Faith HunterThe story can be found at Faith’s website.  It features Ethan Kaille, the hero of the Thieftaker books, and Jane Yellowrock, the star of Faith’s bestselling series, and we’re thinking very seriously of expanding it into a novella.  So check it out, and stay tuned!

The second post is actually one that was originally scheduled to go up yesterday, before life intervened.  But I finally have a post up at the blog of my wonderful friend Mary Robinette Kowal, writing about “My Favorite Bit” in Thieves’ Quarry.  “My Favorite Bit” is a feature she has been running on her site for some time now, and it was a fun post to write.

My terrific agent, Lucienne Diver is also hosting me on her site, where I am writing about writing historical fiction and using point of view to reinforce my setting.  For those interested in the craft of writing, this should be a really interesting discussion; hope to see you there.

And finally, I am interviewed today by the fabulous Drey at Drey’s Library.  I’ll be the featured author for July at the site, so this is just the first of several appearances I’ll be doing there over the next several weeks.

The Day After Release Day, and I’m still going strong.  Thanks for sharing another day with me!

Today’s post can be found at, the group blog on the business and craft of writing fantasy that I maintain with fellow authors Faith Hunter, Misty Massey, Mindy Klasky, John Hartness, Kalayna Price, and James Tuck, among others. The post is called “Special Guest: Will McIntosh, On Choosing a Title for Your Novel” It is written by my friend, Hugo Award-winning author Will McIntosh, who has a new book out tomorrow. I hope you enjoy it.

Today’s post can be found at, the group blog on the business and craft of writing fantasy that I maintain with fellow authors Faith Hunter, Misty Massey, Mindy Klasky, John Hartness, Kalayna Price, and James Tuck, among others. The post is called “On Writing: Short Fiction and Worldbuilding.” It’s about the differences between setting a short story in a world that you’ve already established for novels, and setting it in a new universe created just for that story. I hope you enjoy it.

Today’s post can be found at, the group blog on the business and craft of writing fantasy that I maintain with fellow authors Faith Hunter, Misty Massey, Mindy Klasky, John Hartness, Kalayna Price, and James Tuck, among others. The post is called “On Writing: Why I Love Writing Short Fiction.” It’s about the different approaches I take to writing short stories and novels. I hope you enjoy it.