After a lengthy hiatus from blogging (I’ve actually been spending my days writing a new novel) I have a post up today at the SFNovelists Blog Site, which I help maintain along with approximately 100 other writers of fantasy and science fiction. Today’s post is called “Short Fiction, Anthologies, and an Ongoing Kickstarter Campaign,” and it is about exactly that. (This is what we call truth-in-advertising, folks!) Writing short fiction is a terrific way for aspiring writers to hone their craft, and this post discusses the benefits of writing stories, as well as the fun of crafting them for themed anthologies. And finally, it offers a few details about a new project — Temporally Out of Order — that a group of us are trying to get off the ground.  Please check out the post here.  And learn more about the Temporally Out of Order kickstarter campaign here.  Thanks, and enjoy!!